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0. Ihren neuen Führerschein - früh genug - beantragen - !
Beantragen Sie Ihren neuen Führerschein früh genug!
1. gleich am - Eingang eine Nummer - ziehen - !
2. vor Zimmer 202 - warten - !
3. das ganze Formular - aus|füllen - !
4. Kopien von Ihren Dokumente - mit|bringen - !
5. hier unten - unterschreiben - !
6. morgen um 13 Uhr - wieder|kommen - !
1. Ziehen Sie gleich am Eingang eine Nummer!
2. Warten Sie vor Zimmer 202!
3. Füllen Sie das ganze Formular aus!
4. Bringen Sie Kopien von Ihren Dokumenten mit!
5. Unterschreiben Sie hier unten!
Free and prompt German homework help from a certified expert: fast, correct and completely free answers to your questions of any complexity: homework, exams, grammar tests, linguistics olympiads, essays and other texts, translations, online support and everything else related to the German language! No sign-ups. No charges.
Ordering a free German homework help is very easy: Just use the Contact Form on this website or write a comment under any posting. Type in the content of the task in German or English. Please note: we do not accept scanned or photographed texts - only editable text in English or German can be processed! A completed task will be published as soon as possible as a separate posting on this website.
Ordering a free German homework help is very easy: Just use the Contact Form on this website or write a comment under any posting. Type in the content of the task in German or English. Please note: we do not accept scanned or photographed texts - only editable text in English or German can be processed! A completed task will be published as soon as possible as a separate posting on this website.
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